A Doll's Life


Original Authors

Book and Lyrics
Source Material

Later Contributors

There are no known writers who contributed to revisions, etc. following the original production.
Genre: Musical Play


Click on the title for info on the song.

Original score

Added to revised version

Cut before rehearsals

Studio Cast Recordings

No studio cast recordings listed.

Demos & Pre-Production Recordings

  • No demo recordings listed yet.


Original Authors

Book and Lyrics
Source Material

Later Contributors

There are no known writers who contributed to revisions, etc. following the original production.
Genre: Musical Play


Inspired by Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House (aka A Doll House).


Set within the framework of a contemporary rehearsal of Henrik Ibsen's classic play A Doll's House, it addresses the question of what might have transpired after Nora slammed the door and abandoned her tyrannical husband Torvald. Borrowing the fare from a young violinist, Otto, she takes the train to Christiania, where she accepts work in a cafe and soon becomes involved not only with Otto, but Eric Didrickson, the wealthy owner of shipping lines and fish canneries, and Johan Blecker, a lawyer, as well. Throughout the show, scenes in her new life mingle with intermittent flashbacks to the one she left behind.

Trivia & History

No trivia or history.

Other Titles

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Audio Clips

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